Saturday 18 September 2010

Sunday 30 August 2009

Thursday 27 August 2009

It makes sense

The day I decided I quite liked Canada was when I walked around the Ontario Science Center in Toronto and saw this:

The caption on the side reads "This lifesize silhouette of a sparrow hawk will discourage small birds from flying into the glass."

This makes loads of sense. Why wasn't this compulsory when people decided they would like to build a whole load of buildings where birds used to live (i.e. trees) and put up glass (i.e. transparent) windows so people can enjoy the "natural light"?

Not that I was scarred by the fact that when I was in the art room in Year 12 and studying at a school that also happened to be in the middle of land that was being "developed" (i.e. massive chunks of rainforest were being cut down to be replaced by shopping centers and houses) I heard a "thunk" that turned out to be a mini sparrow being hunted by a small hawk that had both flew head first into the art room windows to have their heads neatly snapped off.