Thursday 30 July 2009

Staircase of Wonders - Tin Soldiers

Taken at ROM - The Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto in the Staircase of Wonders connecting the different levels.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Whale Watching in Tadoussac

In a series of four pictures - after a rather bumpy Zodiac ride out to sea where we glimpsed some whales (but too wet/bumpy to even contemplate taking camera out), we stopped by the Sanguenay Fjord to enjoy the warmer air and still waters. After about ten minutes, we got a glimpse of this pair of mother and calf feeding.

1 - The first sign of the location of a whale is usually a fin or a more likely a whoosh of air from its blowhole.

2 - As the whale surfaces to get a better angle on muching down on some food, it exposes a bit of ventral fin to help expand its jaws.

3 - Just as its turning over, we notice a little fin (the calf) coming up alongside.

4 - Loads of different species of whale come up to Tadoussac along the St. Lawrence River to feed on krill, capelin and plankton every summer. Quite spectacular to see some of the world's largest mammal a few arms lengths away.

Sunday 19 July 2009

New York Graffiti

Walking back from taking pictures of Manhattan and Brooklyn at sundown...